A Letter to the “Man” Who Sexually Assaulted Me


A little over few months ago, I was sitting in a movie theater with a friend. Whilst cracking jokes and having a jolly good time, he decided that due to the fact that I was tipsy, it would be a good idea to sexually assault me.

For the umpteenth time in my 25 years, I was forced to go through the ordeal of sexual assault and violation.

I am writing this for every woman, man or child that ever had to go through this ordeal. I am writing this for every living person on this earth because this does not only affect the victims, it affects society and modern civilization. I am writing this because I refused to be shamed or blamed into staying quiet.

How is it possible that in this day and age, people think it’s OK to violate someone sexually because they’re intoxicated? How is it possible that in this day and age, people like myself, the victims of a crime, feel guilty and ashamed? How the fuck is it possible that people like him, predators, get off the hook so easily? Like they did nothing wrong? Like it was their god given right to take advantage of someone who is obviously not in the position to consent to sexual advances?

To this man I say, it is because of people like you that others find it so hard to trust. It is because people like you that humanity is facing a major downfall. It is because of people like you, society is utterly and truly fucked.

Thank you for giving me the reminder that the uphill battle against sexual assault is nowhere near ending. Thank you for giving me the reminder to speak up and fight against people like you. Thank you for giving me the reminder that as long people like you exist, people like me will only be that much stronger and more determined to stand against predators like you.

You have given me a much needed reminder to rise up.

Author: abeautifulcomplex

-Animal rights activist, feminist and self-taught artist. - Quantum physics fanatic, student of the universe, and a lover of intricate art.

One thought on “A Letter to the “Man” Who Sexually Assaulted Me”

  1. This is very true. It is a horrible fact that some men feel they have the ‘right’ to act. There is the issue. X


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